Tri Ân Monument suggests to present the simple notion that our everyday life is indebted to all who served and sacrificed in the past fighting for freedom. Walking on the cantilevered platform (the bridge circulating back to the point of beginning) represents the current life, full of joy and gratitude. These are supported by diverse columns, poles, wires with different sizes and colors, which represents all who fought together. Some of them are very weak and thin, which still seemingly attempt to support the heavy platform on top of them. Many of these structural and nonstructural objects also imply many unknown people who died and suffered. It looks too thin to support the weight but, the act of memorialization envisions them as key effort supporting who we are now, people standing above the platform. In the construction of this act of memorialization, the row of main center columns are fully supporting the platform from which thin poles and wires are tensionally tied between top and bottom. Each columns are dedicated to people, country, army, unknown fighters and the sacrificed. Engraved names, texts, images and QR codes will invite people to learn, while people can also participate in tying ribbon to the thin columns, walking through those sacred memories. Tri Ân Monument is our statement that the idea, action and sacrifice in the past have built the present and our current actions will support the future, the freedom of our living.

Design Team: Jin Youn Song
Collaborator: Euychan Jeong